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About Us

Good Works Ltd is an IRS approved 501(C)3 organization created to assist people in creating their own small business. If you are in need of help please use our contact form to start the process.

Good Works Ltd is actively involved in the management of two foundations at this time: Tiny White Church and Make Wealth Club. Tiny White Church is helping communities rediscover the simplicity of the small country church. The Make Wealth Club is improving America one future business owner at a time by teaching youth about what it is like to run a business.

We need your help! There are several ways you can make a difference in your own community:

- Volunteer, send us a note with your contact information.

- Donate for Free - Yes no cost to you!

- Buy Crypto, you will be providing a 0% interest loan to the cause. Just use the crypto to buy something or sell the crypto back when you need your funds returned